How to Know if Your Mobile Phone Is Being Monitored

If your phone:
- Has battery issues
- Automatically installs apps
- Displays unwanted ads
- Faces performance problems
- Shows unusual texts and websites
Chances are it might be monitored.
What Do We Mean?
When considering phone monitoring, you might imagine someone eavesdropping on your calls with surveillance equipment.
If your phone is monitored, it’s usually done remotely. It’s likely more than just your calls are being accessed.
Your smartphone is used for taking photos, sending emails and messages, browsing the web, social networking, and more. Think about all the accumulated data: Private conversations, personal photos, sensitive information, and more.
With so many features, your smartphone is almost a digital version of yourself.
This implies if your phone is being monitored, the hacker (the individual tapping your phone) has access to this data and more.
So, how do you find out if someone is monitoring your phone? You don’t have to be a tech expert, just watch for the signs below.
Phone Battery Problems
Source: Unsplash
If smartphones run hot or die quickly, it can indicate the presence of unwanted software.
Before concluding, rule out other causes for your Android or iOS overheating.
Devices can sometimes get warm, but if your phone heats up to a point it shuts down, it should raise concerns.
Monitor how you use your phone and the battery drain pattern. This can help determine if your phone is really being monitored.
Phones can overheat due to:
- Too many background apps
- Extended media use
- Gaming for long durations
- Using a case that retains heat
- Connected Bluetooth devices
- Being left in sunlight
- A defective battery
If those reasons don't fit, be cautious of monitoring software.
Monitored phones overheat from unauthorised apps running in the background.
These apps might record your screen or track your keystrokes.
They’ll also drain your battery, so check how long your phone stays charged.
If your phone is new yet loses power quickly, monitoring apps might be draining your battery.
If you notice these battery issues, your phone may be monitored, and you should watch for other unusual signs.
Do You Notice Unusual Data Usage Spikes?
A monitored phone sends stolen data back to a hacker, using large amounts of mobile data.
It operates on any data connection, not just WiFi.
Check which apps are responsible for high data usage.
Check Data Usage on iOS:
- Go to settings.
- Select Mobile Data.
- Find apps using mobile data.
For Android
- Go to Settings
- Select Data Usage
- Review apps in the list.
You should now have an idea of which apps are using data. Calculate your monthly phone bill similarly.
If there’s a big difference from your usual bill, identify the culprit. Some apps consuming your data will be listed with the data amount.
Sometimes, malware may be listed under “unrecognised apps”.
Are Unwanted Apps Installed on Your Phone?
Source: Unsplash
Excess data usage can lead to performance issues. While normal apps can slow processing speed, they shouldn’t cause significant data usage jumps if they didn’t previously.
This increase in data usage is usually due to malware activities.
A known data-heavy malware app is HummingBad.
Like Hummer, it operates as a trojan using fraudulent apps for installation on phones.
This malware seeks to gain administrative rights on your phone and might persuade you to download a fake system update for full control.
Once in control, it shows ads and sends phone data back to servers managed by a Chinese cybercriminal group, Yingmob.
Malware like HummingBad can read messages and send malicious links to you.
Reportedly, 10 million devices were infected by 2016.
Your Phone is Slower Than Usual
With increased data usage, performance issues arise again. Genuine apps may affect speeds, but shouldn’t cause such issues if they didn't before.
Increased data usage is mostly due to malware activity.
A data-consuming malware app is HummingBad.
Like Hummer, it’s a trojan that uses fraudulent apps for installation.
The trojan attempts to get admin rights and might persuade you to download a fake system update for full control.
Control results in pop-up ads and data being sent to servers managed by Yingmob.
Malware like HummingBad can read your messages and send malicious links.
10 million devices were reportedly infected by 2016.
Check Your Phone’s Memory
To check which apps take up the most space, potentially slowing your phone, follow these steps:
For iOS Devices
- Go to settings.
- Select General.
- Review iPhone Storage.
For Android Devices
- Go to settings.
- Select Device Maintenance.
- Review your Memory.
If you find unfamiliar apps high on the list, they might be malware monitoring your phone.
Ensure app sizes correlate with their purpose. A simple note app shouldn’t be as large as Instagram.
Do Websites and Texts Look Strange?
Source: Pexels
Sometimes you receive odd texts or emails with URLs, which is all too common.
While we know about these scams, we're not immune to them.
Avoiding clicks on strange links protects us from phone monitoring or fraud.
The problem isn’t always strange texts or emails with fake links.
If a spying app is on your phone, it may alter websites you frequently visit.
The malware shows a fake version of the site, recording your input and data exchanged between you and the site you're visiting.
This is concerning if you’re entering sites needing credentials or personal info.
The app can steal passwords, financial information, or Personally Identifiable Information (PII). PII involves data used to identify an individual, important on the Dark Web.
If monitored, accessing apps like PayPal or online banking could be costly.
Detecting fraudulent sites can be difficult.
Changes might be minor, like a different logo or interface. If you think your smartphone is monitored, compare the site on another device.
What Should You Do If Your Phone Is Being Monitored
If you suspect monitoring, try removing malware yourself.
For iOS Devices
Update your iPhone or iPad to the latest system update to remove existing spyware.
As an added measure, reset the phone to factory settings (back up your phone first).
For Android Devices
Install the latest software update.
Review app permissions, disable unnecessary ones accessing your messages.
Consider installing an antivirus app.
For any device, download apps only from official app stores.
Monitor to Protect
Having privacy invaded or being a cybercrime victim is frustrating.
However, monitoring isn’t always negative.
You might want to monitor for legitimate reasons.
For instance, logistics firms track employee locations via phones for accountability.
Or you may want a simple app to monitor your child’s smartphone for safety.
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